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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Apparatus Placement

I like to talk about this after every fire with all the crews on scene.  We have a problem sometimes in our dept. of blocking access for Truck companies.  It is a good thing to think and talk about.  Apparatus positioning should be based on capability and the job at hand.  The Chief's car or a police vehicle have no reason to take the address or A side.  With that being said neither does the first Engine for the most part if we pull past and leave the spot for the Ladder it will make us both successful.  You cannot stretch a Ladder.  We have upgraded our staffing on the Rescues also but the capabilities of their apparatus has not changed so think about where they should be parked.  Does the task you are completing involve your unit or just the tools?  These are all discussion points and I want to hear your feedback.  

In our department we do not lay in with the first 2 engines, they go to the scene for aggressive attack.  The 3rd engine is water supply unless we deviate.  Thought process being anywhere from 1000 to 1500 gallons of properly placed water will extinguish most fires. 

How does your department handle apparatus placement?

Does your department have these issues?

Remember talk to crews around you don't expect that you are all on the same page if you haven't discussed this critical issue it could save a life someday.

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